Tuesday, May 22, 2018

4th Quarter Reflection


Our project was to come up with an item, then make advertisements and digital media that you would find in the real world. We went through various strands to put it all together. Group work sometimes got frustrating but we pushed through it. I learned about how much the stuff we learn in EComm come in handy in the real world. I feel like i did pretty good in my quarter 4 work, although I feel like I could of done better

Graphic Design

In the graphic design portion our team came up with a company logo and an item logo, then we made advertisements, coupons, etc. Through this process we were confused on whether to focus on the company graphics or the treasure tracker graphics, so our treasure tracker stuff ended up a lil bit wonky, while our safe house stuff looked pretty great. During this portion I worked on the web banner for Safe House. This only took me about 30 minutes and, I was very proud if the outcome.

Our Designs


 During the animation strand our team split up making different animations of our own. I ended up making the 3D packaging model. This was fairly easy because it was basically just graphic design, but I struggled with properly putting my package design into the model. This took about a week. I was fairly pleased with my work but i felt that I could of done better.

Our Animations


In the video strand our team worked together to make an commercial. At first we had a big elaborate idea, but then we realized it wouldn't work that well so we stuck to a simple commercial. Sometimes our team would have mis communications. This project took almost a month. At the end of this our video looked fairly good.

Our Video


I didn't make the website but I did help by typing stuff out.

Using My Time

I have completed all my activities during class. When I finished early with some of my projects I would help my other group mates complete their part. Outside of school I enjoy practacing editing to enhance my ecomm skills.


I feel like within this project my strengths was communicating ideas and what we should do as a team.


Within ecomm my main weakness is functioning the computers and patience. Computers often gets me angry and I don't give them a chance.


My favorite thing about this quarter was establishing a professional enviroment. One thing I would of changed is mixing up groups by personality more acuratley for instance my team has too INFJs. Through this project I have learned the importance of EComm and how to apply it to the real world. Next year I home to improve all my skills and start filming more out of school. This year I have really enjoyed ecomm and I Cant wait for Next Year!

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