Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Color Wheel


This was the second project we did in graphic design. We had to make a color wheel using adobe illustrator. Illustrator is basically photoshop but your using an art board.

My experience

I found this project quite easy. I thought adobe illustrator was pretty easy to use.  The only problem I had was copying things. Im pretty proud of my results.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Using carp


I used contrast by making wizard of oz huge and higlighting some words.


My poster sorta has a left alignment.


I used repetition of yellow and some fonts.


I grouped time and important info in one place. Title in one place. websites in another, and I grouped the copy right info at the bottom.


Senior Final Reflection

 5 Guarantees I have improved drastically in all of these skills. I improved in technical skills by mastering the Adobe suite, and Collabora...