Event advertising
In this project we had to pick a musical artist or art artist and make a event! With this event We made a poster, 2 postcards and a ticket. I ended up choosing 3 Kpop artist/groups being: Nct127, Loona and Holland. This project lasted about 3 weeks. I faced some challenges during this project. The main challenge was going back to adobe photoshop after not using it a while. After some trial in error, I got used to it again. From this project I learned how to integrate graphics from photoshop and graphics from illustrator in one project. During this project, I took a lot of feedback revolving alignment. It was originally left aligned but, Beaoudin suggested it to be center aligned since my graphic was in the center of the poster. Also my friend Caitlyn suggested to use the font "Lemon Milk", so I used it and loved it! I made some changes to the design; the poster was originally just gonna be 3 circles with the artist in it. I changed it to the 3 circles on the sidebar and added a vector graphic in the center. At the end I thought my work on the poster and ticket was meh. Although I was really impressed with my postcards. If I did a similar design as my postcard on the poster it would be 10 times better! Overall this was a really enjoyable project and I loved sharing something I am passionate about through graphic design!

In this project we were required to make a personal logo. First we made 30 sketches. With the sketches we were required to make 5 different logos. We had to make many variations with different color schemes. This project took me about a week to complete. The main challenge was converting my sketches to graphics but I eventually figured it out. From this project I learned the importance of trying multiple variations to pick the perfect logo. Some of my friends gave me feedback regarding to color. I took in the feedback and it helped a lot. There were many changes in all the logo from the original idea. It is important to make changes in variations so that you can pick the best one. Overall I was really impressed with most of my logos. They fit me really well and I definitely will use them in the future!


Vector Portrait.

In this class I'm usually pretty productive. I don't usually finish early but when I do I try to better my skills. For instance: I worked on a whole other vector project. When I have a vision but do not know how to do it, I will google it and try to figure it out. Outside of class I am involved in lit mag to help get endorsed and better my graphic design skills. I do critique my projects to help improve myself.
After being in ecomm for 2 years I have noticed my strengths. One of my strengths is my creativity. I'm always good at coming up with unique ideas. I am also good at using my time wisely and entering a deadline. One strength is that I have developed a style for graphic designs. Most of them have a distinct style that would make you think "Shaylee"
With strengths there are weaknesses. The main weakness is the technical side. I don't have access to the adobe products at home so I can still struggle with it. Another weakness is my ability to handle stress. When things go wrong I usually freak out.
My favorite part of graphic design was that in most of the projects you got to pick to do it about something you personally enjoy. In this class I would take away the more tutorial based projects. My goal for next year is to improve my skills in video for entertainment next year.