Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Senior Final Reflection
Film reel
Friday, January 29, 2021
Film Reel 21
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Commercial 2020
The process of this video started with pre production, where we discussed and decided on a product and ideas. Our concept was a grunge/ punk rock themed lipstick commercial Then once we got our concept we wrote a script and made a story board, then we had to make a call sheet and planned when and where we were going to film. On our film date we just got our props, went to our location and went straight to filming. After we filmed everything I went straight to editing. I worked with others and i went great. First of all we always came to agreement and each one of us had a different role and job. My responsibilities for the project was getting the equipment and editing. During this project I learned some new editing effects like making a 90s grain effect. One thing I would do differently is to be more precise and take more time on my editing. One thing I would do the same is including more art direction in future projects .If I revise the video I will fix my audio and the graphic at the end. I will take these editing techniques to future projects.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
MV Project Analysis
This is my favorite music video and it is for my one of my favorite groups, "Loona". Loona's music videos always are compelling to me because they use a lot of symbolism throughout all of their MVs like the apple and running. This all ties together to the loonaverse , and this is definitely showed in butterfly.
Contribution in my work
This music video was a huge production and was filmed in 5 different countries. This being in different countries meant having multiple different teams on different locations. This means that communication and collaboration was really important for this. These are actually 2 of are 5 guarantees for ecomm. Collaboration is super important for ecomm, especially the feature film. With all of our roles we both have to communicate with one another and collaborate. These are both skills we have already learned, but we will keep continuing on improving these skills.What was done well?!
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
In this project we got to make a short film on a chosen treatment. I choose "Cowardly Reflections". This was a unique script about death. For this film we started with pre- production. We finished the script then started story boards. We then scouted for actors and locations. During this , as art director, I made mood boards and listed props we needed. We pretty much failed at finding actors. Many alternatives were suggested but , I feel like my group just gave up. because of this we didn't end up with a short film. To solve this problem, I ended up making my own shortfilm. This was pretty hard because I did this myself, I even acted. To film it I had to work a lot with the tripod. I got a lot of equipment such as a canon rebel . While working on this i learned how to use this equipment. When I edited I experimented with sound. I tried making some folly to include in my film , I also mastered sequencing.5 Guarantees
Technical skills-
Project Managment-
Friday, December 20, 2019
Entertainment semester 1
Camera Assignment.
In this project we got to do any video we wanted as long if it included all the shots needed in the project. We ended up doing a short film titled 'The Watcher". This was a about a man trapped in an alternate reality unaware that its fake. This project took 2 long filming days and about 2 class periods to edit. We faced challenges in scheduling film days, when people couldn't show up. Because of this not everybody showed up to the filming days. Along the way I learned some lighting tricks and got to really know some of the upperclassmen in this class. I was also the editor so I bettered my editing skills on premiere after this project. At the end of this it came out with a lot of errors. Many said they could not follow the story line. There is nothing we changed from the original idea. Overall I'm not the biggest fan of this video although it had some very visually apealing shots and I hAd the most fun on this project this year.The Watcher
In this project we were required to make a treatment for people to vote for dor the feature film. My story was "Ruby" . This was about a girl who becomes a magical girl during a traumatic experience to fight against sexism. She then befriends other magical girls like her. This took about a week of class to write as I faced some challenges; I struggled finding a good idea but once I found it the writing went smoothly. I learned a lot about story telling and script writing from this project. Many thought it was too hard to make so I got zero votes. I was really proud of this storyline and I hope to use it in the future.Short film
Strengths and Weaknesess.
During this semester I have learned the most in video that i ever have. At the beggining I had a lot of struggles , but I have improved quite a bit since then. I mainly struggled with the technical aspect , such as using the microphone and the camera. To improve my skills I plan on playing and messing withe camera more often.
I also felt that the creative aspect was a strength because i feel like I always have ideas running through my head. Next semester I plan to Improve in my strengths by putting my best forward.
Guest speakers
Ryan- Ryan taught us a lot us about storytelling with editing. I can use these tios a lot more in the future.
Gordan- Gordan showed us some really cool equipment that we could use professionally. Ill take his tips and connections in the future
Leah- Leah taught us some great camera tips. Every time I use a camera i look back to her tips about ISO.
Darby- Darby taught us a lot about pre production. She talked about the importance of social media which goes directly to me because i’m the social media content creator. I will use these tips while working on the feature.
Morgan Cooper- It was a honor to meet morgan cooper. He just casually talked about his life and the film world. He said he could be a connection and gave us a lot of inspiration.
Feature role
I have skills with the usage of social media. I am
good at choosing proper hashtags and updating my story. I will also make visually appealing
graphics for the feed. I will put in my full effort to make videos and post to promote our movie.
This semester i enjoyed the small projects like the commercial the most. To make it better I would like the story telling unit to be smaller with less watching powerpoints and ted talks. I learned a lot about teamwork this semester. Next semester my goal is to try to step into the director role and become a leader.
I have skills with the usage of social media. I am
good at choosing proper hashtags and updating my story. I will also make visually appealing
graphics for the feed. I will put in my full effort to make videos and post to promote our movie.
Senior Final Reflection
5 Guarantees I have improved drastically in all of these skills. I improved in technical skills by mastering the Adobe suite, and Collabora...

What did We do? We got to make a custom logo for ourselves. It was a step by step process. We had to make sketches then make it adobe il...
What did I do For my pop art project I choose to use random colors that are appealing. I copied my main layer many times and change all th...