Logo Color Schemes

This logo uses the analougous colors of green and yellow. I think the company used these colors to make you think of grass and fields because they mainly make land-mowers.
This logo uses the analogous color of green and yellow. I think the company used these colors to make you think of cheese and lettuce on a sandwich.

This logo uses the complementary colors of green and red. I think they choose these colors to make the red stick out with a fiery feel while making the green represent energy.
This logo uses the complementary colors of blue and orange. I think the company close these colors to make the logo look calming and settle.
This logo uses the cool colors of purple and blue. I think the company used these colors to stand out from other fast food places which are usually red and yellow.
This logo uses the cool colors of blue and green. I think they used these colors to make of think of a fresh refreshing feel.

This logo uses a red monochromatic color scheme. I think the company chose these colors to give a smokey southwestern feel.

This logo uses a blue monochromatic color scheme. I believed they used these colors because blue represents trust and the company wants you to trust them with their money.

Triad Colors
This logo uses a primary triad colors scheme. I think they choose to use these colors to give it an all american feel
This logo uses the same triad color scheme. I believe these colors were chosen to imitate a burger.
This logo uses the worm colors of red and orange . I feel like the company used these colors to say they were powerful.
This logo uses the same color scheme. The company probably used these colors to say they have a fiery feel.